A hasty exit from bed.
A retrieval of the toddler from the garage.
A breakfast made. Two. Three. Mine.
A chance to read a blog or two. Email.
A quick tidy.
A load of laundry.
A reading lesson.
A math game.
A dictation.
A toddler rocked and sent off for a nap.
A load of laundry — again.
A crisis averted.
An apology requested.
An apology accepted.
A lunch enjoyed with a handsome man.
A quick change.
A mad rush.
A drive across town.
A gymnastics class watched. And another.
A lecture given.
A visit with a friend.
An impromptu playdate.
A discussion about unschooling.
A purchase made.
An appointment set.
A return home.
A dinner made and served and enjoyed as a family.
A glass of wine.
A bath given and another.
A story read. Two.
A cuddle in the rocker and another.
A quiet evening.
A slice of life.
A bubble bath.
A good book.
A cookie and a glass of milk — maybe definitely.
A day well-lived.

More slices at Two Writing Teachers.